Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7-12

Math: This week students are learning to multiply money. Students will be able to multiply 4 or 5 digit numbers by one digit numbers.

Here's a sample problem:

$10.32 x 8

It is critical that student know the basic facts in order to be successful at this. Students: If you don't have your facts mastered, you need to practice more at home.

Reading: This week students will be reading expository texts. The vocabulary words this week are fuel, globe, decay, and electrical. Students will also be asked to take a close look at author's purpose.

Language Arts: Students will study expository writing. Students will practice expository writing in class.

Class News: I would like to thank Drs. Sandy and Jeremy Rebrovich, the owners of Ideal Health Chiroractic in Elk River for their generous donation to our class. The Rebrovichs have provided our class with a set of stability balls for student use. The balls are used as chairs and have been shown to help with focus and posture. You can read more about the benefits of using stability balls here:

We really appreciate their generosity and commitment to education and helping our community. If you're interested in learning more about the Rebrovichs, please visit their website to learn about their practice.

If you get a chance, let them know you appreciate their donation.

-Mr. Scott


  1. Thanks for the Rebrovich link. I appreciate the care I received from Dr. Hering (New Brighton)
    However, now that I live in Otsego, I have been looking for someone closer. :-)

  2. Josef says,
    I love the stability balls!!!!!
    We need to use them on Wonderful Wednesday, Mundane Monday, Terrific Tuesday, and Thinking Thursday!
    Right now, we only use them on Fun Friday :-(

