Monday, January 25, 2010


Language arts: Today we did out weekly keyboarding practice.

Reading: We watched the final two readers theater performances and started to work on our James and The Giant Peach project. Students must choose one of the following activities to complete:
  1. Write a one-page letter to a character from “James and the Giant Peach.” Ask questions and tell them what you think about their adventures.
  2. Write a comic strip about the characters from this story. Include words and color pictures.
  3. Write a song about “James and the Giant Peach.”
  4. Do an open mind portrait. Draw your favorite character with cartoon thought bubbles around its head to show things the character thinks, likes, and does.
  5. Write your own short story about James and his friends. Story must be at least one page long and have a beginning, middle and end.
  6. Rewrite the ending of the story. What’s another possible way this book could end?
  7. Write a poem about the characters or events in the story. Use the poems in the book as inspiration.
  8. Create acrostic poems about the characters. Choose 3 characters to write poems about.
  9. Create a diorama to show a scene from the book.
These projects are due Monday, February 1. Some class time will be given, but much of this assignment will need to be completed at home.

Also, because we have a short week and it is the end of the quarter, we will not have spelling this week. Spelling exams will resume next week.

Math: Practice: Page 159 #1-20 Homework: Page 160 #1-25

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