Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009

Language Arts: Turkey pop-up art.

Reading: Answering questions in complete sentences, Icarus art project. The spelling exam and exam on "Wings" is tomorrow. We also have library, so bring your book.

Math: We reviewed concepts with Study Island. You can visit Study Island by going to

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reading: We are working on answering short response answers to questions about the story Wings. We started an art project illustrating favorite parts of the story Wings. The homework is to complete the word chain worksheet (due Friday) and read at home.

Reading at home doesn't have to be independent silent reading. Students are encouraged to read aloud to parents or siblings or grandparents or anyone who wants to listen. You can also do partner reading, where each person takes turns reading and listening.

Math: Today we practiced comparing numbers. The assignment is page 69 #3-12. Most students were able to finish this in class. Students who did not finish in class are to complete it at home. If they are unsure of what to do, they should spend no more than 15 minutes trying to figure it out. If they still need more help they can bring it back to school tomorrow and work with Mr. Scott.

Language Arts: Today we finished reading the book "Bunnicula" by James Howe. We also practiced making graphic organizers and wrote a journal entry.

Science: We are continuing to learn about the planets and solar system.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17

Reading: Writing complete sentences, word chain page due Friday

Math: Comparing numbers Page 66-67 #1-28

Language Arts: Keyboarding, Graphic organizers

Monday, November 16, 2009


Language Arts:
Practice paraphrasing

This week we are reading the story "Wings."

Spelling words for this week:
  1. there
  2. their
  3. because
  4. should
  5. always
  6. important
  7. sure
  8. it's
  9. example
  10. turned
  11. half
  12. remember
  13. idea
  14. special
  15. complete
  16. oh
  17. person
  18. hot
  19. anything
  20. hold
Today we learned how to play cribbage. We are playing cribbage because it reinforces addition skills in a fun way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Language Arts
  • Handwriting practice
  • Rereading to understand
  • Doughnuts presentations
  • Doughnuts test
  • Homework: Read "Building Bridges" and answer the questions on a separate paper. Answer must be complete sentences. Due Monday.
  • The story can be read here:
  • The question are:
  • 1. Who is telling the story?
    2. Describe James. What is he like?

    3. The author says that James “faded into the walls during class.” What does that mean?

    4. At one point in the story Eddie was “laughing like a hyena.” What does that mean?

    5. How does the author feel about being partnered with James? How would you feel?

    6. What is the assignment the children have to complete in the story?

    7. Why do you think James is so quiet at school?

    8. Who is the man who enters the classroom at the end of the story?

    9. Why do the boys stop Mrs. Kramer from adding weights to the bridge?

    10. How will the author be different after completing this assignment with James?

  • Practice reading and writing numbers and numbers lines with Study Island

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Math: Finding sums with 3 addends, reading and writing numbers on Study Island

Reading: Doughnuts presentations

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Nov. 10

Reading: Doughnut presentations begin tomorrow. We are also working on constructing complete sentences when answering questions. Remember to read at home.

Math: We are working on finding sums with mental math. There is also a math packet is due on Monday.

Language Arts: We are learning how to write compound sentences.

Health: We are learning about good nutrition and food groups.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9

Language Arts: Students are practicing writing complete sentences. Today we practiced writing simple sentences and learned how to write compound sentences.

Reading: Students are practicing persuasive speech and writing. They will be working on an advertisement for Uncle Ulysses Doughnuts from the Homer Price story. Ads and presentations are due Wednesday.

There is no spelling this week because of the short week.

Math: Students are working on addition and subtraction strategies. Students are strongly encouraged to visit to practice math skills and concepts.

Book orders are due Thursday, November 12. If you're interested in ordering online, visit Ordering online is a fast and easy way to place book club orders.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Novmeber 6

Language Arts: Students are creating simple sentences and remembering to capitalize the first letter and put an end mark (period, question mark, exclamation point) at the end.

Reading: Students are learning to give persuasive speeches and write persuasively. Students will create advertising and a presentation to sell Uncle Ulysses Doughnuts. This will be due Wednesday, November 11.

Math: Students are practicing addition, subtraction, time, money, and other math skills with the Study Island computer program. Students can access the site at home by visiting and entering their user name and password.

Here's the website with Jackson Pollack painting:

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday November 5

Language Arts: Sentence writing

Reading: Students need to have their rough drafts finished and edited by a parent for tomorrow. Students should also be brainstorming ideas for the doughnut advertising activity. Read at home and prepare for the spelling exam.

Math: Practice with partial sums. Complete worksheet at home if it was not finished at school.

Here is a link to the Turtle Game.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday November 4, 2009

Language Arts: Today we read from "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" and wrote in our journals.

The students are writing newspaper articles about "The Doughnuts". A rough draft of the article is due tomorrow. The draft should include the who, what, where, why, when, and how.

Practicing with partial sums. Students who do not complete the worksheet in class must complete it at home.

Students will record the food they eat in a nutrition log.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday November 3

Language Arts: Journal, crossword puzzle

Reading: Read at home, complete "Doughnuts" pre-writing graphic organizer

Math: Group work, no homework

Health: Nutrition activity


As the weather turns colder please remember to dress appropriately. This means wearing jackets, hats, and gloves.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday November 2

Language Arts: Journal, keyboarding

Reading: Spelling unit 6
  1. there
  2. their
  3. each
  4. its
  5. again
  6. next
  7. sound
  8. often
  9. almost
  10. however
  11. city
  12. early
  13. nothing
  14. certain
  15. fire
  16. special
  17. ran
  18. full
  19. town
  20. complete
Read "The Doughnuts"

Math: Partial sums

Health: Nutrition activity